Teaching Assistant – Permanent

30 hours per week, 39 weeks per year (term time with 5 INSET/training days)
Current Pro Rated Actual Salary: £16,655-£18,134
All King’s School support staff are eligible to join the Local Government Pension Scheme, which is a defined benefit scheme, under which the school contributes 19.6% of an individual’s salary.
The King's School is an outstanding 11-18 comprehensive school, which takes great pride in the promotion of excellence in teaching and learning, pastoral care and extra-curricular activities. Our core purpose of 'Achievement for All' encourages every student to develop their skills, interests and talents, not just through academic achievement but also through a rich variety of enrichment opportunities including house competitions, extra-curricular clubs, trips and visits.
We are looking to appoint Teaching Assistants to work across the curriculum, offering support to students with special educational needs. The Skills for Learning department is a large and successful area of the school where teamwork, mutual support and high-quality training are paramount. We are looking for the successful candidates to work across the curriculum and be part of the key worker programme. You will need to be prepared to support a wide range of students, be flexible, enjoy working with young people and, very importantly, retain a sense of humour.
Please contact Mrs. Pocock at recruitment@thekings.devon.sch.uk for further details or see our website and apply online. This is a rolling advert and applications will be considered as we receive them.
When applying for the role, it is important that you refer to the school's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and the DBS Disclosure Policy, which can be found on our website (About Us – Policy Documents). We are committed to safeguarding the welfare of students, so all staff are enhanced DBS checked.