
Head of Maths
The Maths Department aims to develop students to become "Confident Mathematicians and Creative Problem Solvers" - young people who are numerate, independent problem solvers and who understand Mathematics in the world around them. We aim to ensure that the maths curriculum provides "Achievement for All" by ensuring that all students, regardless of their starting points, have the strong foundation of numerical skills required for the workplace and the ability to solve unfamiliar problems.
All students study Maths in Year 7 - 11 whilst in the 6th Form there are three Mathematics qualifications offered: A Level Mathematics, A Level Further Mathematics and Level 3 Certificate in Core Maths.
Extra-curricular opportunities within the Maths department include Chess Club, Maths Club and active participation in National Mathematic Competitions.
The KS3 curriculum builds upon the numerical and algorithmic foundations developed at KS2. Knowledge of Number, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion, Geometry and Statistics from KS2 are built upon and deepened throughout KS3.
The Mathematics curriculum aims to develop three main skills throughout Year 7 - 11, which are drawn from the core assessment principles of the 2013 National Curriculum for Mathematics and the current Edexcel GCSE Mathematics Specification (1Ma1). These are:
AO1: Use and Apply standard techniques:
This skill requires students to follow and recall standard routines that have been taught explicitly by their class teachers. This is the ability to accurately carry out mathematical methods and algorithms independently and is an essential skill that sets students up for future learning and employment. It is vital that students learn techniques fluently so that they can utilise the correct method to solve more complicated problems.
AO2: Reason, interpret and communicate mathematically:
The world we live in can be described using mathematics. When communicating, statistics and numbers are regularly used to support our argument. The Mathematics curriculum ensures that students are taught how to interpret the various ways that mathematics can be presented. Students are given opportunities to communicate their thoughts logically through the expectation that accurate mathematical notation is used in chains of reasoning and evaluate mathematical arguments logically.
AO3: Solve problems within mathematics and in other contexts:
Our curriculum recognises the need to incorporate problem-solving as an essential skill for life that helps develop logic, creativity, resilience, imagination and lateral thinking. These are attributes highly valued by employers as well as supporting students who choose to continue their studies to a suitable Level 3 qualification. We aim to offer regular opportunities for students to tackle problems within our lessons and assessments.
Knowledge is interleaved through the six mathematical content areas (algebra, number, geometry, ratio and proportion and statistics) in a spiral fashion throughout KS3 and KS4. This gives students the opportunities to embed understanding over time and allows links to be made across the curriculum.
The Mathematics curriculum aims to develop three main skills throughout Year 7 - 11, which are drawn from the core assessment principles of the 2013 National Curriculum for Mathematics and the current Edexcel GCSE Mathematics Specification (1Ma1). These are:
AO1: Use and Apply standard techniques:
This skill requires students to follow and recall standard routines that have been taught explicitly by their class teachers. This is the ability to accurately carry out mathematical methods and algorithms independently and is an essential skill that sets students up for future learning and employment. It is vital that students learn techniques fluently so that they can utilise the correct method to solve more complicated problems.
AO2: Reason, interpret and communicate mathematically:
The world we live in can be described using mathematics. When communicating, statistics and numbers are regularly used to support our argument. The Mathematics curriculum ensures that students are taught how to interpret the various ways that mathematics can be presented. Students are given opportunities to communicate their thoughts logically through the expectation that accurate mathematical notation is used in chains of reasoning and evaluate mathematical arguments logically.
AO3: Solve problems within mathematics and in other contexts:
Our curriculum recognises the need to incorporate problem-solving as an essential skill for life that helps develop logic, creativity, resilience, imagination and lateral thinking. These are attributes highly valued by employers as well as supporting students who choose to continue their studies to a suitable Level 3 qualification. We aim to offer regular opportunities for students to tackle problems within our lessons and assessments.
Knowledge is interleaved through the six mathematical content areas (algebra, number, geometry, ratio and proportion and statistics) in a spiral fashion throughout KS3 and KS4. This gives students the opportunities to embed understanding over time and allows links to be made across the curriculum.
The Mathematics curriculum at KS5 builds upon the foundations developed in Years 7-11. The curriculum deepens students' abilities to:
1) Use and Apply Standard Techniques
2) Reason, Interpret and communicate mathematically
3) Solve problems within mathematics and in other contexts
The rigour and challenge of A Level Mathematics develops students who are able to construct rigorous mathematical arguments, make deductions and inferences, explain reasoning and translate problems into mathematical and non-mathematical processes. Fluency with routine procedures and the ability to accurately recall facts, terminology and definitions are the foundations to success in advanced mathematics.
The Maths Curriculum is successful if students leave The King's School as:
- Confident Mathematicians - numerate and able to use mathematics in the workplace or in further study.
- Creative Problem Solvers - able to recognise the right strategy that they need to employ to solve an unfamiliar mathematical or real world problem.
Parental support
Supporting your child to establish good habits with Maths Homework and ongoing revision ensures that they will make strong progress throughout Year 7 - 11. MathsWatch is used as a homework and revision platform for all students in Year 7 - 11. Supporting your child to make regular use of MathsWatch over and above tasks set by classroom teachers enables students to address gaps in their knowledge.
Super-curricular opportunities
The Mathematic department runs a number of extra-curricular clubs in addition to regular guest speakers who share their experience of using Mathematics in the workplace. Extra-curricular clubs include Chess Club where students can hone their strategic skills, and Maths Club which stretches students mathematically with problems that are often outside the remit of the taught curriculum.