Student Choices
In Years 10 and 11 students are able to study subjects of their choice as part of the KS4 Curriculum. The students are prepared for these choices during PSHE lessons, tutorial time, specific subject lessons, access to other providers, options assemblies in January of every year and finally, through the Year 9 Parents' Evening (January of every year).
At Key Stage 4, the following subjects are compulsory:
- English Language & Literature (AQA 8700 & 8712)
- Mathematics (Edexcel 1MA1)
- PSHE & Citizenship [non-examined subject]
- Physical Education [non-examined subject]
- Religious Education (AQA 8061) [short course]
- Science (AQA Biology 8461, AQA Chemistry 8462, Physics AQA 8463 or 8464)
Open options subjects
- Art (AQA 8202)
- D&T Textiles Design (AQA 8204)
- Business (Edexcel 1BSO)
- Computer Science (OCR J277)
- Dance (AQA 8236)
- D&T Materials (AQA 8552)
- D&T Electronics & Mechanisms (AQA 8552)
- Drama (OCR J316)
- Food Preparation & Nutrition (Eduqas C560P)
- French (AQA 8652)
- Geography (Eduqas C112QS)
- History (Edexcel 1HIA)
- IT Technical Award in Digital Applications (Edexcel BHTK5A)
- Music (Eduqas C660QS)
- Physical Education (AQA 8582)
- Religious Studies (AQA 8062A) [full GCSE]
- Spanish (AQA 8692)
- Additional studies [invitation only]
- Life Skills [invitation only]
- Work Skills Challenge [invitation only]
Options Process
All Year 9 students are provided with an electronic GCSE options booklet and an assembly in January to guide them through this process. A copy of this booklet can be found below. In addition, subject teachers will talk to their groups about the GCSE in their subject and, where the subject is not taught in Years 7-9 there will be further assemblies and a supportive workshop from Exeter College. Finally, during the Year 9 parents' evening there will be talks with all parents/carers on the option process.
Options are made by the students using an online portal. Full instructions will be sent to all students and parents/carers when the system is live. A copy of the instructions for students can be found below. To enable parents/carers to be fully involved in the process, yet to keep things simple, an EduLink survey will be sent out asking them to confirm that they have seen their child's option choices and that they are happy with them.
Separate Science or Combined Science: Trilogy?
Separate Sciences [Triple Science]
This route allows students to gain 3 GCSEs, one in each of the sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics). Students who take this route use one of their 4 open option choices as Separate Science. This leaves these students 3 further options. We would also strongly advise Separate Science students to choose either Geography and/or History and a Modern Foreign Language as part of their open subject choices to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum offer.
The total number of GCSEs that Separate Science students will gain is 9.5.
Combined Science: Trilogy
This route allows students to gain 2 GCSEs in the sciences (Combined Science). Combined Science students will have 8 hours a fortnight in Year 10 and 10 hours a fortnight in Year 11 to study this science route. Students who take this route will then choose 4 additional open choices. We would also strongly advise Combined Science students to choose either Geography and/or History and a Modern Foreign Language as part of their open subject choices to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum offer.
The total number of GCSEs that Combined Science students will gain is 9.5.
More help:
All King's students can access our Careers and World of Work SharePoint site from our student portal.
External links that can offer further support:
Careers Pilot - One-stop shop for all careers and options.
Talking Futures - more information on pathways and a useful toolkit for parents.
Unifrog -helping students find their futures. All year 9 students have a login.