
Head of Science
The Science department at King’s strives to:
- engage our students so they will be excited and inspired by science and appreciate it as a practical investigative subject not just learning facts.
- provide outstanding teaching so that our students have an amazing learning experience irrespective of which class they are in.
- share our own enthusiasm for science with our students through our lessons and STEM activities
We aim to work with that sense of discovery and questioning that all children are born with and teach them how to understand the scientific and technological discoveries that enrich all of our lives. We pride ourselves of the richness of our practical science experiences, which provide so many of those magical memories of science. We have a lively Science club supported by our excellent sixth form student leaders.
Students in year 7 to 8 show great progress as they study the core principles which underline science such as how cells work, how our world is made of only a few types of atoms and how they interact and how energy and forces govern our universe. We encourage a positive attitude to learning.
Over the next 2 years, the King’s school KS3 science will be at the centre of a research program using cognitive psychology to help our students develop their working memory skills.
Years 7-8
All students follow a range of activities during Years 7 – 8, which are grouped into biology, chemistry and physics teaching topics. By the End of year 8 students will have finished the key stage 3 syllabus.
Year 9
Students study a scheme of work that is designed to extend their knowledge of KS3 material and hone their practical skills in preparation for GCSE. We study thematic topics such as Earth sciences and make links between the physics, chemistry and biology they have already studied.
In January of year 9, we then begin studying GCSE content that is applicable to whichever option they choose for GCSE
Unlike many schools we do not dictate which GCSE option our students take. We encourage them to make a free choice between Combined Science GCSE and Separate Sciences GCSE.
GCSE Combined Science (trilogy)
Combined science is a double award course, you will gain 2 GCSEs. This course will allow you to study any of the sciences at A-level.
What content is covered?
Biology content covers: Cell biology; Organisation; Infection and response; Bioenergetics; Homeostasis and response; Inheritance, variation and evolution; Ecology.
Chemistry content covers: Atomic structure and the periodic table; Bonding, structure and the properties of matter; Quantitative chemistry; Chemical changes; Energy changes; The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis; Chemistry of the atmosphere; Using resources.
Physics content covers: Forces; Energy; Waves; Electricity; Magnetism and electromagnetism; Particle model of matter; Atomic structure.
Year 10 Combined Science Learning Journey
GCSE Separate Sciences
This course is most suitable if students want to extend their knowledge of science further and develop a lifelong fascination for Science. This option is an excellent preparation for A-level Science and beyond.
What content is covered?
GCSE Biology: Cell biology; Organisation; Infection and response; Bioenergetics; Homeostasis and response; Inheritance, variation and evolution; Ecology
GCSE Chemistry: Atomic structure and the periodic table; Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter; Quantitative chemistry; Chemical changes; Energy changes; The rate and extent of chemical change; Organic chemistry; Chemical analysis; Chemistry of the atmosphere; Using resources
GCSE Physics: Forces; Energy; Waves; Electricity; Magnetism and electromagnetism; Particle model of matter; Atomic structure; Space physics
We offer an engaging choice of 4 A-level subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology. Our Sixth form students are a valued part of the Science department and we offer opportunities to become science leaders through science clubs and other extra-curricular activities.
Biology looks at how living organisms, both animals (including humans) and plants, function and interrelate. Much of the work involves many of the new developments in genetics and biotechnology. It should not be studied in isolation. Biology should be related, in a wider sense, to the needs of people. Relevant and important aspects of modern life are stressed, including those of a personal, social, environmental, economic and technological nature.
This stimulating course aims to promote aspects of chemistry that are often in the media and affect day-to-day life. Students will gain the necessary knowledge and understanding to explain many different aspects of contemporary chemistry. These areas include climate change, green chemistry, pharmaceuticals and chemistry research. Students will perform many experiments which develop their ability to make accurate observations and measurements. At King’s we strongly encourage learning through practical experience.
This course provides a rigorous coverage of all the fundamentals of Physics. Have you ever wondered why bubbles are coloured or astronauts appear weightless while still in Earth’s gravity? If these sort of questions interest you then Physics at Kings is an excellent place to answer them.
Psychology is an excellent A-Level subject to study: it is interesting, exciting and challenging. Studying Psychology helps to develop transferable skills of analysis, communication, evaluation and argument. It changes the way that you think and perceive the world forever, you will no longer be able to watch the news or read articles without considering the bigger picture and the interaction of contributing factors that lead to a variety of human behaviours. Why do we act the way we do? Does mother love set us up for life? Do murderers act aggressively because of genes or environment? How reliable is eye witness testimony? What can I do if I feel stressed? Psychology A-level sets out to answer some of these questions and many more. Students frequently take Psychology A-level as their first experience of Psychology and they find it stimulating and interesting to learn a new subject and to develop a scientific understanding of how the brain works and how human and animal behaviour is influenced.